'The Tree in Me'. By Corinna Luyken

'The Tree in Me'. By Corinna Luyken

The very first thing about this book that caputures the attention of the reader are the vibrant colors of the beautiful cover illustration, which continue throughout the book. Each page would certainly make for a great art piece in itself.

As the title suggests, ‘the tree in me’ is not a straightforward children’s story as one might expect, but rather an inspirational, philosophical journey through the interconnected world within and around us that ultimately defines each and every one of us. As the tree grows, we grow, taller and stronger each day. I read this book multiple times, and with every turn of the page, a new set of thoughts popped up in my head. I thought of my own childhood, and I wondered how I would define ‘the tree within me’.

This is a wonderful book that is both philosophical and inspirational while easily accessible for children as it is for adults.

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